Precisely evaluate complex data

Don't rely on estimates - we provide you with precise data

Are you having difficulties in correctly collecting and analysing your study data ?

Are you looking for a solution, to organize your data efficiently and in a structured manner ?

Are you unsure whether your statistical analyses are reliable and meaningful ?

Incorrect data, fatal consequences: The risks of inaccurate data collection and analysis

Inaccurate or misinterpreted data can lead to incorrect conclusions, which not only jeopardizes the credibility of your study, but also costs valuable time and resources. If your data is not collected or analyzed correctly, it could distort the outcome of your study and jeopardize the authorization of your product. In the worst case, incorrect data can lead to your study being rejected altogether.

Data management

We take care of the clean and structured collection and organization of your study data.


Our experts ensure a thorough statistical analysis of the data to deliver valid and precise results.


We structure your data clearly and comprehensibly so that it can be interpreted correctly.

Structure, precision, validity:
Your advantage through our data organization

Precise evaluation

Your data is carefully recorded and correctly analyzed.

Reliable results

Our statistical analyses provide you with well-founded and valid study results.


Correct data organization

Your data is structured and presented in an easy-to-understand manner.


Avoiding errors

By handling data accurately, we prevent errors and delays.

Steps to a successful collaboration:


Request data analysis

Let's start data collection and analysis.


Kick-off meeting

We discuss your requirements and the analysis process.


Develop a data management plan

We create a plan for structured data collection and analysis.


Evaluation and reporting

We provide you with precise, analyzed results.